Hello Bloggers! I haven't posted in a WHOLE week... how the time flies fast when you are
NOT having fun! Ahh been quite stressed lately about University, and if i should go or not. Buttt on a bright side, its a long four day weekend here and me and my friend will bake
marshamllow and oreo muffins haha, i hope we are the first to try these out, or even invent them :) I have been also looking at Miu Mius collection . And found it so cool, eye candy material really. The prints are really refreshing with cats ( this reminds me a lot of weird cat ladies that every neighbourhood has), random naked people and birds :D And i like how they kept their colours simple with natural skin tones.

As for me.. these are some photos of me being bored and dancing to the music :D I have converded a sea shell to a necklace. I like its simplicity and that beach wibe!

It's time for me now to catch up with all the blogging ~ (:
Goodle x